Thank you for playing Utano☆Princesama Shining Live.
The new "Shining Valentine 2019" event started today!
Please check the in-game news for more details.
*You may not be able to check details about this if too much time has passed. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
How to Play "Shining Valentine 2019"
1. Acquire Presents
- Get Presents from the Shop
Exchange White Corsages for presents in the Shop.
White Corsages can be obtained as drops for completing live shows. Thirty White Corsages can be exchanged for one present in the Shop. The harder the difficulty setting of the live show, the more White Corsages you can obtain. LP Boosters have an effect on the number of White Corsages that you can earn. You can also earn White Corsages by using the Auto Play function.
- Exchange Gems for presents in the Shop.
Two hundred large Gems can be exchanged for one present in the Shop. However, you are limited to one present exchange per Gem Attribute. You can also exchange Small Gems for Medium Gems and Medium Gems for Large Gems a set number of times.
Tap Other on the Main screen then tap Shop > Other to exchange items.
- Get Presents as Mission Rewards
During the event period, presents can be acquired as rewards for completing single-player missions.
Prisms have also been added as mission rewards, so make sure to clear all your missions every day!
Tap "Missions" on the Main screen to see a list of available missions. -
2. Give Out Your Presents on Valentine's Day
Tap the event banner on the Main screen to give presents to your best boys. Each individual present can only be given to one idol, and you can only give one present to each idol. -
3. Get Limited Time "Shining Valentine 2019" Stickers
The design of the Stickers you can acquire varies depending on the idol.
You can change Stickers by tapping Other on the Main Screen and then Player Details > Stickers. (Your Sticker will be displayed to other players in various places, including on Friends lists and the Choose a Guest list before a live show.) -
4. Exchange Left Over Presents
Any presents that you were not able to give to an idol can be exchanged for items in the Shop. Items available for exchange include SR+ Choose-an-Idol Photo Shoot Passes, Bonus Photo Shoot Passes, and Medals. However, there is a limit to the number of times you can exchange certain items.
Exchanged items will be added directly to your Gift Box. -
5. Await Your White Day Surprise
Come White Day, any idols you gave presents to will have a special animated voice message for you.
- - Event missions finish at the same time as the present giving time.
- - Any Valentine's presents you acquire will be removed as of 2/21 1:59 pm JST. Please make sure to exchange any remaining presents you have in the Shop before this time.
- - Game content is subject to change without prior notice.
Thank you for your support. We hope you continue to enjoy Utano☆Princesama Shining Live!