Utano☆Princesama Shining Live




1st Anniversary Step-Up Photo Shoot

Thank you for playing Utano☆Princesama Shining Live.

Utano☆Princesama Shining Live just marked one year since its initial release in Japan. Thank you so much to everyone for playing and supporting the game!

Today sees the release of the 1st Anniversary Live Show: Prince Step-Up Photo Shoots. See the end of this notice for details on the schedules for other 1st Anniversary Live Show: Prince Photo Shoots.

What could be more appropriate to win the heart of a princess than a special anniversary live show by ST☆RISH and QUARTET NIGHT, all dressed as princes and ready to be your personal escort? But the live show isn't the only thing the princes have lined up for you, their princess...

Unlock Moments for the Photos you collect to earn fully-voiced story chapters, exclusive "1st Anniversary Live Show: Prince" outfits, and exclusive voice clips! Also, don't miss the princes' fully-voiced side stories!

That's not all! The "My Only Prince" series of UR Photos is the third Photo series to feature Premium Moments with autograph and message tiles for you to unlock and add to your Photos!

It doesn't stop there, either! Both single-shot and 11-shot Step-Up Photo Shoots also appear for the first time. With each successive Step, the drop rates for SR and UR Photos improve, as does the amount of free items you receive! And Step 6 of the 11-Shot Step-Up Photo Shoot guarantees at least one UR Photo from the "My Only Prince" series!

(From the 7th Step onward, the Photo drop rate and free items are fixed and do not increase with each subsequent Step.)

See later in this notice for details of Photo drop rates and free items.

1st Anniversary Live Show: Prince Step-Up Photo Shoot Schedule

Please check the in-game news for more details.
*You may not be able to check details about this if too much time has passed. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

1st Anniversary Live Show: Prince Photos

1st Anniversary 11-Shot Step-Up Photo Shoot

Step 1: 1 SR or above Photo guaranteed
Prisms: 0
Photo Drop Rates: UR: 2%, SR: 10%, R: 88%

Step 2: 1 SR or above Photo guaranteed
Prisms: 150
Free Items: EXP Booster (S) x10
Photo Drop Rates: UR: 2%, SR: 10%, R: 88%

Step 3: 11 SR or above Photos guaranteed
Prisms: 200
Free Items: EXP Booster (M) x5
Photo Drop Rates: UR: 2%, SR: 98%

Step 4: 1 SR or above Photo guaranteed
Prisms: 300
Free Items: Gold Medal x1
Photo Drop Rates: UR: 4%, SR: 10%, R: 86%

Step 5: 1 SR or above Photo guaranteed
Prisms: 300
Free Items: White Gem x5
Photo Drop Rates: UR: 4%, SR: 11%, R: 85%

Step 6: 1 UR "My Only Prince" Photo guaranteed!
Prisms: 300
Free Items: EXP Booster (L) x3
Photo Drop Rates: UR: 4%, SR: 12%, R: 84%

Step 7 Onwards: 1 SR or above Photo guaranteed
Prisms: 300
Free Items: EXP Booster (L) x5
Photo Drop Rates: UR: 4%, SR: 10%, R: 86%

1st Anniversary Step-Up Photo Shoot

Step 1
Prisms: 0
Photo Drop Rates: UR: 2%, SR: 10%, R: 88%

Step 2
Prisms: 15
Free Items: EXP Booster (S) x5
Photo Drop Rates: UR: 2%, SR: 10%, R: 88%

Step 3: 1 SR or above Photo guaranteed
Prisms: 20
Free Items: EXP Booster (M) x3
Photo Drop Rates: UR: 2%, SR: 98%

Step 4
Prisms: 30
Free Items: Skill Booster (S) x2
Photo Drop Rates: UR: 4%, SR: 10%, R: 86%

Step 5
Prisms: 30
Free Items: Silver Medal x1
Photo Drop Rates: UR: 4%, SR: 11%, R: 85%

Step 6: 1 SR or above Photo guaranteed
Prisms: 30
Free Items: EXP Booster (M) x3
Photo Drop Rates: UR: 4%, SR: 96%

Step 7 Onwards
Prisms: 30
Free Items: EXP Booster (M) x5
Photo Drop Rates: UR: 4%, SR: 10%, R: 86%

1st Anniversary Live Show: Prince Photo Shoot Schedules
  • ★ 11-Shot Step-Up Photo Shoot and single-shot Step Up Photo Shoot
  • ★ Selected Photo Shoot: Otoya, Selected Photo Shoot: Masato, and Selected Photo Shoot: Natsuki The Photo drop rates for each Selected Photo Shoot are the same as for regular Photo Shoots. The lineup for each Selected Photo Shoot contains the "My Only Prince" UR Photo for the featured idol. There is a 50% chance that any UR Photo you pull will be a UR "My Only Prince" Photo. These conditions also apply to all Selected Photo Shoots listed below.
  • ★ Selected Photo Shoot: Tokiya, Selected Photo Shoot: Ren, Selected Photo Shoot: Syo, and Selected Photo Shoot: Cecil
  • ★ Selected Photo Shoot: Reiji, Selected Photo Shoot: Ranmaru, Selected Photo Shoot: Ai, and Selected Photo Shoot: Camus
  • ★ 1st Anniversary Live Show: Prince Special Photo Shoot The Photo drop rates for this Selected Photo Shoot are the same as for regular Photo Shoots. The lineup for this Selected Photo Shoot contains all the "My Only Prince" UR Photos. There is a 50% chance that any UR Photo you pull will be a UR "My Only Prince" Photo.

Please check the in-game news for more details.
*You may not be able to check details about this if too much time has passed. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

  • - The Performance and Skills shown are when the Photo is at Max Rank and Level.
  • - Game content is subject to change without prior notice.
  • - You may receive duplicates of Photos that you have already obtained.
  • - 1st Anniversary Live Show: Prince Photos will appear in future Photo Shoots.

Thank you for your support. We hope you continue to enjoy Utano☆Princesama Shining Live!